
NCWD Website Development

www.ncwd-youth.infoSee it Live

The Back Story

The National Collaborative on Workforce and Disability for Youth (NCWD/Youth) assists state and local workforce development systems to better serve all youth, including youth with disabilities and other disconnected youth. The NCWD/Youth, created in 2001, is composed of partners with expertise in education, youth development, disability, employment, workforce development, and family issues. Funded by a grant from the U.S. Department of Labor’s Office of Disability Employment Policy (ODEP), NCWD/Youth is managed by the Institute for Educational Leadership in Washington, D.C. NCWD/Youth offers a range of technical assistance services to state and local workforce investment boards, youth councils and other workforce development system youth programs.


The Challenge

NCWD was designed by “Noticed”, the old site was outdated and developed in old technologies. Our main challenge was to develop this website in WordPress latest version with the same consistency of data as before while making it fully responsive.

The Soultion

We’ve provided a simple and seamless solution to handle old and new databases simultaneously during development and merge them at the end, so the end users were not disturbed during development and data migration. At the end they were happy to see the results.

The Result

DOER was developed a complete website that was more user friendly and highly reliable to their customers. They get a very good response from their customers to see a user-friendly website.



Responsive Mobile Strategy

Before starting the development of NCWD we’ve made different strategies for mobile users. Because we know mobile users have different needs and goals than desktop users. Our architectural approach to provide ease of use on mobile, we’ve scale down all desktop features to made mobile friendly features.
Additionally, We also spent a lot of time thinking about the new features in calendar, how people get the updates on mobile about the new upcoming events in museum. Now users can check on date event in museum by simple clicking from their mobile to see the next and today’s events etc.

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  • Website Development
    While developing NCWD, We’ve different challenges to handle old data as well and import old data to the new database with no conflict, we’ve developed this site in WordPress latest version using responsive CSS3 framework “Twitter Bootstrap”.

  • Server Management
    We’ve properly propagated and point the domain to the new server and upload all the files, installed all necessary tools on server to make sure all things work perfectly.

  • Website Speed Optimization
    We’ve checked and make sure website works perfectly on all browsers and mobile devices. Our quality assurance team applied some automation to check and measure website speed while have heavy traffic on website. We’ve also tested website on different online tools, we tried to reduced queries and optimized website as much as we can.




Working on advanced technology to realize measurable and actionable insights

Our sole goal is to ensure we are delivering improved and automated system that increase your performance in business and make it profitable to you.
We take time to look at our analysis team’s report that deeply analyze your site data then they provide some recommendations before starting development for how we can improve development process.
Whether your website selling some crockery and dress or you’re trying to increase booking to you show, all the way to get more people to come to your site to fill out the quote or buying anything, we’re here to look how to move the needle to right way.

  • 5 Team Members
  • 25 Days to Make it
  • 30 Coffee Consumed
  • 1 Awards Received



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